Either sharing an information, inviting friends over or posting an Ad is the most common and minimum need among the users or between consumers and businesses. Though there are plenty of similar platforms available in the market, lot of free platforms with an intention to grab users attention and run ads in between. However, there is still a gap for a simple, direct advertising platform for local businesses. This is our experiment to be able to address the local advertisement, announcements and communication challenges which gave the birth to AmplifierApp. This is an initiation from Sprynts LLC


AmplifierApp is a very simple app to get to know local advertisements, promotions or announcements from friends, family members, or communities that are matter to you Benefits: There are various ways for businesses create their brand identity or promote their products / businesses. However, when it comes to small scale businesses, individuals and Geo centric / local businesses, running an ad may not be that easier.

AmplifierApp Ads Manager

Businesses and individuals will be able to create ad campaigns. There are two types of campaigns can be created. Ad campaign within friends and family and local ad campaigns. Ad campaign within friends and family are location agnostic. One simple campaign can be distributed to all in your friends and families and it is always free Location based ad campaigns are very idle for businesses who wants to promote their business around their business location. No advertisement cost for first one year BYOC and save 80% ad cost.


Friends announcing the events Associations announcements and discussions City Schools School departments Colleges and college departments